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Australian Ninja Warrior Competitor Stats
What is the ideal body type for a Ninja?
I was curious as to what the best body type is in terms of height, weight, BMI and age.
I’ve recorded all the stats for the ninjas whose runs and stats were shown on TV, for season three and four.

The average height of a ninja is 175.56cm. Average weight is 71.22kg with a BMI of 23.01.
The average height of a male ninja is 177.68cm, average weight is 75kg with a BMI of 23.72.
The average height of a female ninja is 164.15cm, average weight is 57.54kg with a BMI of 23.01.
How do these compare to the average person?
According to the ABS, the average height for a male adult is 175.6cm and average weight is 85.9 kg.
The average male Australian Ninja Warrior competitor is about 2cm taller, and 11kg ligher than the national average.